Produced by Nick Kourtides, Michael Richelle and ellipsis
Engineered by Michael Richelle
Recorded in July and August 2004 at Indre Studios, Philadelphia, PA
"take what you will" finally came out, after at least a year of brainstorming, writing, arranging, re-writing, playing, re-writing, designing, re-writing, plannig and re-writing again. The CD includes 11 tracks, most of them previously unreleased, and was released on October 24, 2004. We could hardly believe that it's finally got here.
Though we've recorded two other full-length albums and a demo CD, this truly felt like the first "real" ellipsis album – we took ourselves out of a dingy frat house turned recording studio to an actual plush studio with cool things like sofas and chairs to sit in and two-way mirrors to watch each other sweating it out in the sound booth.
We had been planning this album for quite some time. The songwriting process for the CD had been in place for about a year, but didn't really begin in earnest until December of 2003. In May of 2004 we took a break from touring to work on the songs constantly, breaking them down over and over again until we had the perfect arrangements.
The recording took place at Indre Studios, a fabulous studio in South Philadelphia (only steps away from world-famous Pat's and Geno's Cheesesteak stands). Our engineer, Michael Richelle, dealt with us through the constant takes and re-takes, arrangement discussions, and the ridiculous jokes Matt supplied to pass the time. We also had a fantastic bassist, Steve Beskrone, who somehow learned our songs in just a few days and who also taught us the exciting nature of chewing gum that comes in those little bubble packs. Our producer, Nick Kourtides, was tremendously patient wading through all the material and wielding his masterful skills in the mixing booth.
We suffered a couple setbacks during the process, including Vale's unfortunate bout of strep throat in the middle of recording her vocal tracks (don't worry, we let her recover before recording; but we did dock her pay for sick leave), but we couldn't be happier with the outcome of the CD. We feel like we really had the opportunity to be creative, to pay attention to the details, and to put together a collection of songs that we're really proud of.
We decided to title the album "take what you will" because we felt that all of these songs are collections of our own thoughts, things we've been going through lately, interesting tidbits we've been observing about ourselves, and what we think about events going on in the world right now. However we're really not here to tell you what we think. We just wanted to put our thoughts out there, and let you take whatever you'd like from them. Either way, we hope you enjoy the music...